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Client Testimonials

LA APEX Accelerator celebrated National LA APEX Accelerator Day Sept. 15, 2021. We asked our LA APEX Accelerator clients (LA businesses we assist) to provide feedback on what they appreciate about LA APEX Accelerator. Here are a few of the responses:


I haven't worked with Joyce very long. She is a rock star. She goes out of her way to be of assistance to me while I gain my sea legs with governmental contracting opportunities. She goes above and beyond to help me. I look forward to working with her in the future.

Carol, Land Sales Consultant.

Health & Development Resources (HDR, LLC)

I just came across your email regarding September 15th. I missed the day, but I still wanted to send an email to express my appreciation. Colleen Broussard is my counselor. I virtually met Colleen - by email - in 2020 at the start of the covid pandemic. I was overseas then and needed advice and connections for overseas contracts. Since then, I have contacted Colleen for various kinds of assistance. She has always been responsive and accommodating. I am most appreciative that amid the maze of contracting, she has made me feel welcome.

Annette Nassali, Principal


It was brought to my attention that the LA Apex Accelerator will be recognizing its local representatives in an upcoming newsletter therefore I thought it was extremely important that Mrs. Colleen Broussard-Perry was recognized for her hard work and efforts. My Company A.E.S. UXO LLC was founded in May of 2019 and in February 2020 we sought assistance and direction from LA Apex Accelerator and received our first email and phone call from Mrs. Colleen Broussard-Perry. From that very first encounter with Colleen I knew immediately that the information we were receiving would prove to be invaluable to my company. Collen's knowledge and experience in Dept. of Defense contracting or contracting overall has made my company extremely competitive by first helping us increase and enhance our knowledge in contracting, marketing, etc. thus understanding our customer needs and developing solid proposals. Mrs. Colleen Broussard-Perry cares about her customers and is a complete professional, This was demonstrated on numerous occasions in which I would either had sent an email or made

a phone call to Colleen and most of the time within minutes or definitely before close of business she had provided the information we needed to move forward relating to the questions asked. If she couldn't give you the answer the same day I guarantee that the answer was provided by the next business day as she couldn't rest until that information was given. A.E.S. successfully won a Bid Protest that is now in every Major Law House in America, mainly because of the invaluable assistance we received from Mrs. Colleen Broussard-Perry helping to clear the mud when we had questions about the process or just acting as a third pair of eyes when asked to review a document for completeness. Sometimes this led to what some would say was a minor adjustment but to us it proved to be major in our submissions and we believe were instrumental to our success related to the case. A.E.S. UXO LLC considers LA APEX Accelerator's Mrs. Broussard-Perry not only as a counselor to help small businesses navigate the treacherous waters but we consider her to be an integral team member to our company who is a reliable source and driven to help us succeed. As a former Defense employee and now Small Business Owner I understand that people like Mrs. Broussard-Perry isn't found every day, and I hope that in any small insignificant way that I can contribute to her efforts being recognized I do gladly as it's pale in comparison to what she has given in support to my company.

James Ratcliff

Disaster Dasher’s LLC

In reference to my appreciation for being given the opportunity to get assistance from LA Apex Accelerator is that the employees had a wealth of knowledge and experience to share to business owners. With me being small business owner and new in the field of debris removal, LA Apex Accelerator walked me through the entire process of registering in the government system and answered all questions that I had at that time. The counselors were available and willing to assist with any questions or concerns that I may have had while making sure I clearly understood the method or process as to understanding the bidding contracts. LA Apex Accelerator employees went above my expectations, and I highly recommend them to any small business owners who are interested in doing business with government contracts.

Jowana Batiste, Disaster Dasher’s LLC

​All American Resources, Inc

This year we completed our certification paperwork and began working with our government contract officer, Jennifer Richard. We are so grateful for her assistance with taking our private sector capabilities into the government procurement markets. We have a long way to go but there seems to be no end to the assistance offered to small businesses like ours via email, seminars, and web training sessions." AARI has been in business for 19 years but entering this government market is like starting over. You guys are our lifeline towards making this move.

Barbara L. “Bobby” Baker, President, AARI

Collins Cleaning Services LLC

My name is Anthony Collins owner of Collins Cleaning Services LLC. My LA Apex Accelerator Counselor is Mrs. Jennifer Richard, and she is the best! Jen is very helpful and good with researching and assisting when given the right information. She notes key points and is just the nicest person. I couldn't ask for a better LA Apex Accelerator Consultant.

Jemison & Partners, Inc.

Happy LA Apex Accelerator Day! Here are the things that I most appreciate about the counseling services offered by my LA Apex Accelerator Counselor, Ms. Colleen Broussard-Perry:

  • Her extensive technical knowledge in federal contracting and procedures
  • Her accessibility · Her meticulousness, honesty and integrity
  • Her unwavering support to my small business

Without Colleen’s invaluable assistance, I would have never gotten through the claim process in a contract dispute with a major federal agency. I say this not knowing what the outcome will be. I absolutely would not have been able to even call the question without Colleen. Thanks so much for LA APEX Accelerator and all that you do for Louisiana’s small businesses!

Lydia Z. Jemison, AICP, CFM

​Odom Companies, LLC

I appreciate the time taken by Ms. Joyce to help if I don’t understand something. I am not just a number. She and all LA APEX Accelerator really make an effort to assist small businesses, and it is greatly appreciated.

Calvin Schmidt